Friday, October 30, 2015

Embrace Your Fear....!!!

The force that stops you doing the right thing's in you life is actually an unknown architecture of fear. The more you think of it .. the more you get into. Only one way to overcome on it is, get into it. Do what ever you fear of. You strength is actually lived by your fear. And when you start living it you loose your strength gradually. Actually very biggest risk in the  life is not taking the risk..!!! So start doing what you fear for. And the more you get into your fear you will get more strength from your fear. This is only the way by which you can live your life of you dreams. 

It's all about your attitude what you decide for.  Once you go ahead no matter you win or loose but you will be for more free and for more happy than today. 

Thursday, July 30, 2015

What You Think that Matters .....????
One day while at walking with on of my best friend, I asked a silly question to him. And he replied that very beautifully ....
Let me tell you the whole incident..... We are college mates so, we are very frank with each other, once while we were going for a walk I asked him that .. What i s your perception about thinking .... mean-while we think alot but we accomplish a very few..... Why...???
He replied :
See .. Its all about your own perspective of  thinking,
You only think that you can,  or I can say any one in the world only think that he or she can.... !!!
I asked How..??? 
he again explained... Suppose you can think about making a computer program which can make a logical value or something like that.. .. 
I nodded in yes... But on the other hand a rickshaw puller will never think about any program or something, ... supposingly  he can think about having a transport company but never about programming..
This is what..... the difference is. You only think what you can...!!!
I started analyzing about this theory, and i found that this is damm true. 
In this way I found some other facts..
The Very first one is: Knowledge It improves your thinking capacity.
Secondly : Environment  from where you belongs is also effects your thinking power.
Thirdly :  And I can say most Importantly: Your Health.. If you are healthy then only your thoughts will be healthy. 
So If we know what ever we can think we can do then What stops us for doing great things....???
The most prominent answer that I have found for this question is FEAR. 
People fear for for doing great things. And the only way to erase this fear from your life is to face it. 
So start living ... and start thinking... because what ever you think you can...!!!

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

I was thinking that how come one can be inspired...?? Well now I have found a way by which I feel free..
Yes...!!! it's working remotely and travelling the World....

People used to think what they have to do in their life. ... sometimes the found, sometimes they can't, what I suggest ...

just don't loose the HOPE...!!! One day there will be a sunshine on your face that will make you feel like you are in the havean. Yes...!!! this is what always you wanted to do. And that day every thing will be great....!!!

Good day...!!! :)